Fashion Law

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Indian Law Company: Safeguarding Intellectual Property in the Fashion Industry

Protecting intellectual property (IP) in the dynamic landscape of the fashion industry demands ongoing efforts, starting with the designer’s strong and deliberate claim from the earliest stages of creation. At Indian Law Company, we understand that a proactive approach is crucial for enforcing rights effectively in the marketplace.

Detailed Information:

Copyright Protection in Fashion: In the fashion industry, copyright protection plays a significant role, particularly in artistic works like concept drawings, moulds, and sketches. While copyright automatically safeguards these aspects, it may not be sufficient when the final product is sold on a commercial scale. A critical flaw in copyright law can exclude protection for artistic works if they are also registrable as designs but not registered and reproduced more than 50 times.

Enhancing Protection Through Registration: Registering intellectual property as a trademark, trade dress, or design provides an additional layer of protection. Our firm emphasizes exploring permutations of patterns, ornamentation, and material choices for potential protection. Taking these steps before publicizing or releasing a design is considered a best practice.

Our Services

    • Legal Advisory for Designers and Establishments: Indian Law Company advises and represents both domestic and international designers, fashion establishments, and retailers. We proactively engage with the fashion community, educating it on the essential steps needed to protect intellectual property, enhance brand value, and support commercialization.

Key Highlights

  • Through effective legal strategies, including contractual safeguards and commercial expertise, we aim to deter counterfeiting and piracy in the fashion industry. By fostering a proactive approach and offering full legal support, Indian Law Company ensures that intellectual property is not only protected but also maximizes brand value in the competitive fashion market.

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